My kids have both been students of Calvary this school year, one in the kindergarten class and one in the 4’s class, and I am very happy with the experience they are both having.

The thing I appreciate most about Calvary is the personal attention that the kids receive due to the small class size.  The kids are not lost in a sea of students, and both have a trusting relationship with their teachers due to the amount of time and attention they are able to give them.  An additional benefit we see is the creativity and uniqueness of the crafts and art projects they are able to lead because of the smaller classes.  I’m often touched and surprised by the creations the kids bring home from school.

I was initially nervous about enrolling my daughter in the kindergarten class at Calvary, because we are in Franklin Regional School district, which is so well known for being an excellent school with a challenging curriculum.  Now that I’ve observed my daughter’s learning over the school year and see how she’s flourishing in her reading, math and social studies, I know I made the right choice for her.  I would argue that the quality of education she is receiving at Calvary equals or exceeds what she would have received in Franklin’s kindergarten program.  With half a year left to go, my daughter is reading simple books, understanding phonics, counting by 5 and 10’s, doing math in her head, and teaching me bible verses.

Last, but not least, Calvary is a Christian school.  I greatly value the spiritual and moral education the kids are both receiving in addition to the academic lessons. We love CELC!

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Calvary Lutheran Church and Calvary Early Learning Center

4725 Old William Penn Highway
Murrysville, PA 15668

Sunday 8:30AM Traditional Service
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Sunday 11:00AM Praise and Worship

Monday 6:30PM Come as you are worship