Egg My Yard Fundraiser

Egg My Yard Fundraiser

Let Calvary Youth bring the Easter fun to your home! Purchase pre-filled Easter eggs and wake up to a yard full of surprises on the morning of April 19th.

50 eggs for $25
100 eggs for $50

Proceeds support Calvary Youth, helping fund their activities and ministry. Space is limited, so sign up soon!

Payments can be made by check to Calvary Lutheran Church with “Calvary Youth Fund” in the memo. Thank you for supporting our youth!

Calvary Lutheran Church and Calvary Early Learning Center

4725 Old William Penn Highway
Murrysville, PA 15668

Sunday 8:30AM Traditional Service
(Join us live on BoxCast)

Sunday 11:00AM Praise and Worship

Monday 6:30PM Come as you are worship